- Up to 16 cars
- 1/4 Mile
- Heads up Pro tree
- Full Chassis allowed , Composite front clip and bodies allowed
- 8 and 6 cylinder engines can only have either billet heads or billet block, No Full billet engines allowed
for 8 and 6 cylinder.
- Any OEM or Aftermarket 4 piston and 4,3,2 rotary Engine combination allowed Full billet engines
- Engine must be forced inducted, Max 2 Power adders
- Cars must have minimum 2 swinging doors, No 1 piece lift off bodies
- Chicago shootout for up to 16 cars, over 16 cars elimination format (Eliminated cars can join Grudge class once eliminated)
Payout - Winner $2,000 Runner Up $500
Note - By Entering this event you agree to the Payout terms and Grudgekings Class Rules
Note - Cars Faster then 10.00 seconds will require IHRA Licence and Techor must apply for IHRA Event Licence using their ANDRA Credentials Prior to attending Event.